RELEASE DATE : Aug. 20th, 2018( beatport ) / Sep. 17th, 2018( other)
PARK LIMITED MUZIK, which features a more techy style to DJ 19's 19BOX(JUKEBOX) RECORDINGS welcome a new artist to the label as Montreal based Tony Romanello debuts with 'Dextrous EP'. Swiftly becoming a regular fixture on respected underground labels such as KLAPHOUSE RECORDS, NOTHING BUT, VORTEX RECORDINGS and Italy's ALCHEMY as well as his own RED CHANNEL RECORDS, one of the most renowned Canadian tech house artists shows great depth of dance floor knowledge.
Title track 'Dextrous' kicks off with his furious energy prominent from the start - carefully constructed tech sound bring the rhythm and power behind the track. The 'Relentless' takes you on a seriously dark trip as an infectious synth weaves with 'Consciousness' voice sample. Each track will do the job on the dancefloor, you just have to choose what's the one for you!
カナダはモントリオールから注目のテック・ハウサーが19BOX RECORDINGS(ジュークボックス・レコーディングス)の姉妹レーベルであるPARK LIMITED MUZIKに初参戦。 自身でRED CHANNEL RECORDSを運営するだけでなく、KLAPHOUSE RECORDS、NOTHING BUT、VORTEX RECORDINGS、ALCHEMYなどでリリースを続けるTONY ROMANELLOが、2曲入りの「Dextrous EP」を完成させた。表題曲である「Dextrous」は、疾走感溢れるエナジェティックなナンバー。対して「Relentless」は、“Consciousness”のヴォイス・サンプルをメインに、フロア映えする感染的なシンセが交錯するダーク・トラックに。