RELEASE DATE : Feb. 28th, 2025( beatport ) / Mar. 28th, 2025( other)
19BOX(JUKEBOX) RECORDINGS proudly presents its 239th release, a captivating single titled 'Redemption Trumpet' by Serge Gee, who is undoubtedly one of the finest Jackin House producers to emerge from Mexico during recent years. The Original Mix is a modern jazzy house gem, crafted with a dramatic flair. His sophisticated engineering and powerful production techniques make this a standout release for late-night sessions. 'Redemption Trumpet' is the lead single for his upcoming album "Jack Your Body + Soul".
Indian young producer UTKarma delivers a gem of a remix with his dance floor-oriented rework. His remix is interspersing with stunning groove which beautifully leads into a drop full of tension and excitement. He manages to keep the energy up, allowing the melodic progressive house feel to shine thru over the many layers and textures to create a beautiful soundscape to round off this classy crowd pleaser.
DJ 19が主宰する19BOX(JUKEBOX) RECORDINGSのレギュラーであり、beatportを中心に常にチャートを賑わすメキシコのジャッキン・ハウス大使=SERGE GEEによる第9弾シングル、ジャジーな「Redemption Trumpet」が到着。待望のファースト・アルバムとなる『Jack Your Body + Soul』からの先行カットでもあり、タイトル通りの悲哀を伴った夜を演出する最高なツールに。リミックスを手掛けるのは、インドの若手注目株であるUTKARMA。以前、SERGE GEEの「Hold Me Back」にリミキサーとして初めて名を連ね、今回が2作目となる。得意とするフロア向けの美しいメロディックなプログレッシヴ・ハウスに置換。